Dear Families,
It is hard to believe that our December holiday break has already arrived and that 2022 is just around the corner! We wanted to write you a quick note to let you know how much we love your children and appreciate you trusting us with their care.
As Heads of Grade, we are responsible for the pastoral care of the children in our grade level. This means that we liaise with teachers and families to ensure that each child feels supported, cared for and safe.
In our Primary School, we have simplified the qualities and skills of a UWCSEA student into what we call “The 5 Expectations”. These expectations are to:
Keep ourselves and each other SAFE
To be BRAVE when faced with challenges
To RESPECT ourselves, each other and the environment
To be KINDer than necessary
To have FUN together
We begin conversations focused on the first expectation, being SAFE, as soon as your child begins their educational journey with us at UWCSEA. These conversations continue throughout your child’s time at the College, and are supported by our engagement with The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (Global Edition). You will learn more about aspects of this curriculum when we return in January, as we will begin lessons focussed on establishing trust networks and the idea that, “My body belongs to me.”
We understand that many of you may be travelling to visit family over the holidays, and want to highlight the importance of respecting your child’s physical boundaries. Every person has their own preferences when it comes to physical touch, and that includes young children. While touch is a fundamental need for us all, it is important to teach children that they are allowed to set boundaries and to have the self-confidence to stick to them. This helps them to advocate for themselves and plays an important role in teaching them how to identify and get away from inappropriate or dangerous interactions with adults or others.
Your child may not remember grandparents or family members that they have not seen for a long time. This is an excellent opportunity to begin discussing with your child:
● The concept of personal space and how this is different for different people
● The notion that the whole body belongs to the individual and should not be touched without permission
● Feeling empowered to say ‘No’ and ‘Stop it’ if they feel unsafe or are being touched in a way that makes them uncomfortable
It can be difficult to hear your child say that they do not want to hug or kiss a beloved family member. It is important, however, for us to teach children that they have the power of choice when it comes to their body and to practice saying “no” when something makes them feel uncomfortable.
By asking children for their consent (e.g. “Is it okay if Grandma gives you a hug?”), we help children to identify and vocalize their boundaries. These skills not only help them in the present moment, but also benefit them in the long term.
We would like to wish you and your family a wonderful school break, and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Best wishes,
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