As many families noted at our Friday Parent/Teacher Meeting it is often hard to get information from your child about how their day went. We continue to encourage you to use photos that are shared weekly for conversation starters, as well as asking some great open ended questions that are a bit more specific to get the conversation started!
Here are some suggestions: adapted from Scholastic Parents and Her View from Home
Tell me about the best part of your day.
How were you brave today?
What was the hardest thing you had to do today?
What was the book about that your teacher read today?
What made you smile today?
Did you help anyone today?
Did any of your classmates do anything nice?
How were you safe and respectful today?
Tell me about what you read in class today?
Was there an example of kindness you did/saw at school today?
Who did you play with today? What did you play?
What is something that challenged you today?
Who is at your table this week? What did you do together?
What was the hardest rule to follow today?
What rules are different at school than at home?
What made you feel happy today?
Who did you play with during recess today?
Can you show me something you learned today?
What made you feel proud today?
If you switched places with your teacher tomorrow, what would you teach the class?
Other ways to be involved in your child’s learning include always sharing important details about your child’s home life to their teacher. We can respond to your child’s needs when we have a fairly complete understanding of both the home and school environment. Also, please share your culture(s) with us; pictures, stories, language, traditions etc. Not only will this help bolster your child’s self esteem and identity but it will also enrich learning experiences and intercultural understanding for the entire class. One really fun suggestion would be to have a weekly family discussion each week centered around a learning experience at school. You can read books, do an art project about it, or just have a wonderful family conversation. If you want topics about what we are learning, please refer to the Curriculum Letter as well as all the great photos your child’s teacher shares!
We will begin a Class Friend Adventure Journal beginning Friday the 17th. Your child will have a chance to take home their class friend for the weekend. Our class friends love adventure, and if you and your family go someplace they would really love to go along with you.
Our class friend has a journal with them. Please help your child write a little bit about all the things they got to do over the weekend (the park, the grocery store, a friend’s house). If you didn’t go anywhere, write about what they did at home (a nice family meal together, a movie, playing at the pool, washing the dishes together). Use your imagination and have fun! Please help your child include a picture to go with the travel log entry (this could include a hand drawn picture or photo)
During the week, we will read the travel journal entry and your child will get to share what adventures they had with your family over the weekend. Everyone will get to share their adventures with our class friend over the course of the year.
We look forward to hearing about your family time! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher.
As always- in partnership,
Evelyn Hurtado
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