Welcome to K2


Welcome Back to UWCSEA! 

Dearest K2 Families,

Our team has been hard at work preparing for the arrival of the children and we're excited to welcome them to school next week. We hope that your child is eager to get back on campus and connect with their new K2 teacher and friends. Our focus will definitely be about connection and community!

My name is Mrs. Evelyn Hurtado (K2EHU) and I am the K2 Head of Grade for this school year. We are fortunate to have an amazing group of Early Childhood Educators to work with your child; Ms. Rassamee Hayes (K2 RAH), Mr. Tom Mooney (K2TMO), Mrs. Tamara Snooks (K2TSN) as well as Mrs. Resham Chainani. We welcome you to contact us with any questions you may have. In addition, we are joined by 4 wonderful K2 Teaching Assistants.  Ms. Sharon (K2RAH) , Ms. Ching Yan (K2TSN), Ms. Amutha (K2 TMO) and Ms. Hong Eng (K2EHU). And a special thank you to the beautiful Ms. Wendy Jones who is helping Mr. Mooney.

The aim of this blog is to provide you with whole-grade information, particularly in regard to key events and curriculum updates that are pertinent to K2 families. Friday's weekly eBrief will be your one-stop-shop for school and campus-wide information, and classroom teachers will keep you informed via SeeSaw with anything that is specific to your class. Please find below a brief overview of information for Week 1, a more detailed welcome letter and some great family ideas to help your child if they are feeling a bit anxious about returning to school (these tips work well with adults as well!)


What to expect for next week

Monday August 16th: Group A will be at school

staggered start day - Please refer to the information letter sent to you from the Infant School Office.

Tuesday August 17th: Group B will be at school

staggered start day- Please refer to the information letter sent to you from the Infant School Office.

Wednesday-Friday (18th - 20th): Whole Class!


Please ensure your child comes to school wearing a mask and/or shield that completely covers their mouth and nose. Please also pack 3-5 spare masks in a ziplock bag that your child keep in their school bag.

Student Bag Tag

Your child will receive an identification badge for their school bag on either Monday or Tuesday. The badge should be attached securely to your child's school bag at all times. The badge will support staff in knowing your child's name, who their teacher is, where their classroom is, who their siblings are, and how they are getting home.

Welcome Letter

I have included below the K2 Welcome Letter that was sent to you with your child's class placement information. If you have not already had the opportunity to do so, you may also visit our Orientation Website:

Grade 1:  ​​https://www.uwcsea.edu.sg/august/dover-orientation/primary-school/grade-1

K2: https://www.uwcsea.edu.sg/august/dover-orientation/primary-school/kindergarten-2

K1: https://www.uwcsea.edu.sg/august/dover-orientation/primary-school/kindergarten-1

Is your child anxious about joining a new school?

Returning to school brings big emotions. It's a lot to handle for kids and can be worrying, even if they don't show it. Children may worry about new classmates, new teachers, and finding their way around the school. They might fear the unknown and feel awkward. Whether your child is new to UWCSEA or they are returning, their confidence might be low and your support will help them feel like they can do this. We want to make sure you feel supported with the right tools to help your child throughout their K1 year.

When kids feel anxious, it's important to validate their feelings. It's also helpful to give them strategies to help them process their thoughts and feelings. Below are two tools from Big Life Journal to help.

First, to help your child let go of their stressful and worrying thoughts, you might want to use this "Blow Your Worries Away" printable. It combines visualisation and mindfulness techniques for letting go of worrying thoughts. Ask your child to put anything that bothers them into the bubbles and let the wind carry them far, far away. They just float out into nothingness.

The second tool, “My Back-To-School Manifesto” helps by giving your child alternatives to their anxious thoughts. Read the manifesto together so that these empowering and positive statements get planted in your child's mind and replace their anxious thoughts.

We look forward to seeing students next week and hopefully will be able to welcome parents on campus again soon.

In Partnership,

